Crushing the Scheme

They thought this would be the end of Anna.

However, the moment she heard Risha's voice, Anna's lightning sparked. Even her Spiritual Energy flared up, giving her a boost in her speed for a split second.

Before the dagger hit her, Anna took a step to the side while saying, "He said an overconfident enemy would lower their guard when they're going for a sure-hit attack. And you've just proven his words."

"Huh?" Risha was dumbstruck as she saw her missing. She glanced at Anna before lowering her vision and finding Anna's blade flying toward her body.

Whether it was fortunate or unfortunate, the blade didn't hit her stomach and kill her instantly. Instead, the blade sliced her legs and made her stumble to the ground.

"Eh?" Risha was still stunned, processing what had happened. But soon, the sharp pain jolted her mind, showing her the reality.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!" Risha screamed in pain while holding her legs.