Completing the Mission

"See this? I hope you are not a vegetarian since I'm going to give you meat." Anna pointed at the toes. "Don't worry, Count. I'm sure I can help you digest everything. You shouldn't waste food, you know."

"You…" The Count was speechless. His body was shivering, realizing Anna was much more devilish than his imagination.

Anna suddenly stopped as if she remembered something. "Ah, right. I'm making soup. So, I should boil this first…"

Anna saw the Count's horrified expression. "Ah, do you not like soup? If that's the case, I can deep fry it. Or maybe you don't like this one?

"I'm good at cooking, you know. I can make you anything you want…" Anna thought for a moment and asked, "How about a meatball? Of course, I won't be using this as the filling…

"That's right. How about using your wife's eyeball?"

The Count gritted his teeth and shouted, "Have you thought about karma after doing all this? You're going to the deepest depth of hell!"