
While Anna was facing a new challenge, Noel had a pretty laid-back life here.

"Iadre. Can you help me here?" Rose asked while pointing at a few stacks of wood.

"Sure." Noel immediately walked to her and helped her.

The others were glancing at them, especially Paul and Jonathan.

"Do you feel like Rose has gone back to her previous state? It seems she has moved on." Paul mentioned it while observing her.

"I'm not sure about that, but she's clearly been smiling a lot recently, which is good."

"Maybe Iadre reminds her of Noel, so she becomes a big sister just like that, making sure he's alright?"

"Do you mean a substitute?"

"Something like that." Paul nodded.

"Hmm…" Jonathan observed both of them for a while before saying, "Well, I don't really care about it. They are in a win-win situation either way.

"Iadre can get a lot of benefits if Rose takes care of him. Rose can gradually move on with Iadre. So, why not?"