Unexpected Find




There were a series of roars echoing through the area. However, the sound was still quite far from the bridge.

During that period, the two from the Demon Hunting Squad continued watching the surrounding, making sure there were no demons that strayed from the trouble and ended up reaching this place.

In the meantime, Rose focused on her ears, trying to find a way to locate the enemies.

But to her surprise, the sound actually moved farther and farther as if they were not planning to attack them.

"This is weird…" Rose narrowed her eyes.

"Is there something wrong, Rose?" Paul asked, feeling concerned. He had to stop his activity because of the possibility of a huge outbreak.

"No. I might've overthought everything… I don't know why but the demons are moving away from us."

"Isn't that good news?"

"Yeah." Rose nodded and pointed in their direction. "It seems they're going that way."