Killing a Spirit Master

"Haaaa!!!" Noel shouted to pump up more spirit as he began pushing the Spirit Master back.

Because he couldn't use both hands, the Spirit Master ended up taking a few steps back until he was completely cornered with his back touching the wall.

'Impossible. How can I even lose against two Spirit Wielders?' The guy was still in denial even though he had recognized both of their power earlier. He simply couldn't believe that these two young people had this kind of ability.

Unfortunately, there was nothing left he could do since Anna had stabilized her posture and gone straight at him.

The Spirit Master tried to release his Spiritual Energy to blow Noel away as a last struggle, but Anna was one step ahead. She utilized her lightning to increase her speed so that she appeared before the Spirit Master before he could do anything.

He had no choice but to let his sword slide on Noel's blade before striking Anna's sword.