Undying Fire Upgrade

Noel hurriedly approached Shawn, but surprisingly, Shawn was actually faking his action.

Although he was hurt, he still managed to endure the pain. He just acted like this to make Noel approach him while lowering his guard.

As soon as he arrived, Shawn spun his body and struck Noel.

"!!!" Noel was surprised that Shawn would utilize something like this, considering Shawn was a straightforward type. It seemed he realized he wouldn't be able to win unless he resorted to cheap tricks.

Noel gritted his teeth and hurriedly threw himself to the side, barely avoiding the blade. The blade scratched his shirt, albeit blocked by the armor underneath his shirt.

"Hmm?" Shawn widened his eyes, feeling the armor. "You're cheating."

"I'm not." Noel rolled on the ground and stood back up.

"You're using armor." Shawn pointed at the ripped shirt.

The others also saw the spot and realized Noel was using armor underneath his shirt.