
"What do you think?"

The condition was good. Since he had the right to refuse, he could certainly avoid long lasting injury because of venom or something else.

At the same time, he could also see a portion of the goal of this research. "If you succeed in this experiment, I'm afraid that it's like opening a huge door…"

"Exactly." The Water Lord smiled. "I won't lie to you. If I succeed in this experiment, my name will surely go down in history. And I promise that I won't forget about your assistance.

"Though, I might not be the first one to find it. After all, this research starts with a note…"

Noel looked down, contemplating for a moment. As the Water Lord said, if he succeeded, there would be a whole new world opened to them.

They might be able to solve a problem with the liquid in case someone who had purification ability was present.

It could also aid the mixing liquid whether in the form of a war weapon or household utility.