
"Mhm…" Noel gently moaned while opening his eyes. It was still in the middle of the night.

It might be due to them getting pretty excited to know he was still alive, they ended up waking up this late.

Noel closed his eyes to imitate how they were sleeping so that the rest of the kids would follow his action.

He gently rose from the floor, looking at the kids. They had pushed away their beds and used their sheets to create a thin mattress so that they could sleep together.

So, Noel didn't carry them to their individual bed.

Instead, he made sure that none of them had trouble sleeping before walking out of the room as quietly as possible.

When he reached the backyard to get some air, he found Rose sitting under the moonlight, staring at the sky.

There was a smile on her face as if she had made a fun memory in this place.

"You're still awake?" Rose smiled at Noel.