
"Let's hear the report," said Noel with a serious expression.

"Understood." Dimitri nodded before starting to retell what had happened.

One week earlier.

Noel's grandfather, Raincart Ezenholm, was sitting in the library, reading a book. This book was none other than Noel's notebook.

He had been learning a lot from this notebook and didn't expect that Noel had this kind of knowledge.

However, he noticed that the knowledge was still incomplete.

"To think the Spirit Enhancement is the downgrade version of the runes. This is surprising since we all know how Spirit Enhancement can give so much prestige to a blacksmith.

"But if the knowledge about the runes has spread, I'm afraid that there will be a completely new job. The Blacksmiths will change from the Spirit Enhancements to Rune Enhancements.