The Commander

It felt like they had finished discussing their plans. However, there seemed to be another surprise the fort had to offer.

Suddenly, Dimitri turned around, glancing at the outside. Rose followed that action, feeling the same thing.

"We have a company…" Dimitri muttered. "I am going to leave right now, Young Master. I don't know what he is planning to do, but seeing how he has been helping you this whole time, I think it's fine to leave you for the time being."

After saying those words, Dimitri disappeared, not waiting for Noel's reply.

Rose was still confused. Although she could feel the presence, she couldn't determine the person.

So, Rose looked at Noel with a serious expression. "I am going to open the door. Please stay inside for the time being."

Noel nodded and moved toward the drawer as if he was trying to hide. It didn't take too long before that presence arrived at their door.

