
The commander was hesitant for a while before finally giving him the information.

"The third matter might be the most important one." The commander took a deep breath and continued, "I am afraid that you are going to be ambushed sooner or later. The one who will ambush you is none other than your uncle."

"My uncle?" Noel acted surprised as if he didn't know anything about this. 

"Yeah. It seems your father hasn't told you anything. Your uncle was a Devil Bishop back when he was a double agent in the Demon Banner Army. But I'm afraid that your uncle has reached a whole new level…"

"What? My uncle is a Devil Saint?" Noel gasped and took a step back. 

"Yeah, I don't know about his current strength, but I don't think it's less than mine. I have been wondering whether I have to inform you or not…

"At first, I wanted to tell you after you became a Spirit Master, but…"