
The guide entered the classroom first while Noel and Rose waited outside.

Noel took a peek inside and found around fifty people in one class. The teacher was a man in his early thirties. He had a calm and gentle expression, so it didn't seem there would be any restriction inside.

After a while, the guide came out and informed him. "We can enter for five minutes."

"Is there a way to get a student guide easily?"

"You just have to introduce yourself and explain the thing you're searching for."

"I see. Let's enter then." Noel nodded and entered the room.

In that instant, everyone's gaze was locked on them. Noel shook the teacher's hand first.

"Pardon my intrusion."

"Welcome to my class. Please don't hesitate to tell them about your purpose."

"I understand." After receiving the confirmation, Noel immediately turned around as the guide took out the badge, handing it back to him.