
Noel frowned. He had two concerns. The first was the fact that there was no place where he could run away. Although he was confident with his ability, he didn't know whether his strength was enough to destroy the walls that had been reinforced by Spirit Enchantment.

In addition, there was actually a maid standing in front of the door, waiting for them.

When she noticed their presence, she looked at the woman before turning to Noel as if observing him.

But she soon bowed to him and said, "Welcome to the Eternal Flower, Young Master Noel. The owner has been waiting for you."

"!!!" Noel widened his eyes, never expecting the other party to know about his identity. But this also confirmed how much they knew about him.

He became even more cautious while observing the other party's affection.

Name: Illia

Affection: Neutral (50/100)

Description: Someone who has known about you but has no intention of you.