Reward and Mission

"Are you sure about this, Noel? I know that you are determined to do it, but now that I think about it, I'm worried that it's too much for you. At least, let me help you." Rose frowned, showing her concern before the fight.

Noel smiled. Unfortunately, the answer remained the same. "Sorry, Rose. I know that it looks reckless. But this is the only way! I have to do it myself."

The bet might be one of the reasons why he wanted to do it alone. But there was another reason for Noel to be this stubborn.

After becoming a Spirit Master, Noel received a reward from his spirits. After all, his Spiritual Energy reserve had expanded greatly, so he had room to get more Spirit Abilities.

Noel couldn't help but remember what happened after he broke through to Spirit Master.

A few hours ago.

After becoming a Spirit Master, Noel gradually opened his eyes, trying to sort his current ability and sense.