Greenwood Kingdom (1)

As expected of the former Royal Magician, Raincart Ezenholm, Noel's grandfather, managed to spread the knowledge about runes in all directions.

Unlike Noel, he didn't have to hide his own existence. After all, the author was not him but his grandson, who was rumored to be dead.

And with this knowledge being spread openly, Raincart, of course, had to deal with the Greenwood Kingdom's royal family.

He was summoned to the royal palace. Normally, he would be judged by all the nobles. Yet, there were only four people inside the throne room: Raincart, the king, the prime minister, and the current Royal Magician.

Raincart fell on one knee while greeting the king. "Raincart Ezenholm greets Your Majesty."

The king, Theodore El Greenwood, frowned. His expression was dark as if he experienced a lot of stress because of the recent matter.