
"So, Noel, what do you want?"

"…" Noel was silent for a while. He was glancing to the left and right, seeing no change of expression.

That action was enough to tell him that everyone had realized his identity. Though, it wasn't that hard to deduce if they paid close attention to how he acted this whole time. Even Stella, who usually ended up reacting to the revelation, was silent.

It seemed that the expedition this time would be extremely dangerous.

Hence, Noel thought for a moment and said, "To be honest, this is my first time going on an expedition like this. Even I have a hard time thinking about possibilities that might occur there. However, I do have two more requests and one question."

"Let's start with the question," Clara replied without hesitation.

"Alright. The question is simple. May I know the exact location of that place? Is it near a good destination where people usually go for vacation?"