
"Hmm…" Clara nonchalantly stretched her body after coming out of the carriage. She yawned while asking, "Have we arrived?"

"Yes, Ma'am," Jonathan answered while pointing forward. "That's the camp."

"Alright." Clara nodded and took a peek at the camp. Fifty meters from them stood a lot of tents, big and small. There were a lot of people going back and forth.

It seemed that two soldiers had spotted them and immediately approached them.

The two soldiers were only Spirit Apprentices. It was clear that they were only there as a guard who handled the chores. They wouldn't participate in the exploration directly.

"Sir. May we ask from which units you are?" One of the soldiers asked politely.

Stella took out her badge and stated, "We are from the Zero Squad, First Squad, and Fourth Squad of the Demon Relief Squad. Our captain is also with us."

"!!!" The two soldiers froze for a moment and immediately changed their tones. "Please excuse us. We—"