
"This is where the trace ends." The knight from the Demon Beholder Squad pointed at the ground.

The Stone Lord looked at Septa and asked, "Where did the Plant Lord get stationed at first?"

Septa pointed at the tree fifty meters from them. "That tree."

The Stone Lord narrowed his eyes. Just like the Septa, he couldn't find any trace in the area. He tried to touch the ground to check the uneven terrain caused by footsteps, yet there was nothing he could find.

'This is weird…' The Stone Lord frowned, feeling something wasn't right.

Shale thought for a moment and asked, "How could this happen? There is no trace of battle. In that case, does the Plant Lord run away from the battlefield? I mean, he has said that he would leave if the battle goes awry, no?"

"That is a possibility." Clara nodded in agreement, remembering the conversation.