
"Hello, I'm Septa's Replacement. I'm the Captain of the Demon Adjudicator Squad, Milfa. Pleased to meet you."

Noel looked at this woman. She had long straight brown hair, gently tied into a horse tail and rested on her back. Her gentle and mature smile made him feel like he was being taken care of without her doing anything.

From the way it looked, Clara and Milfa's ages didn't seem to be that different. Yet, Clara gave a cold and young fighter while Milfa had a gentle and caring mother aura.

Noel was standing here with Shale and Clara, but as expected, since he wasn't one of the captains, Milfa's eyes were completely locked on him.

Shale, as the leader of the exploration, coughed to gain her attention and said, "It's our pleasure to have you with us, Captain Milfa. This is Knight Iadre. He has shown his ability both in commanding and strategy, so I have him act as the vice leader of the exploration this time."