
"That's the only way for us to survive the current problem, huh…" Noel frowned. "From the way she phrases it, there might be a huge disaster that strikes the kingdom.

"It will be so chaotic that we can't guarantee our own lives. That's why we have to become stronger…"

Noel didn't know what kind of disaster Anna was talking about, considering he didn't know anything about the future.

But since Anna had a hard time looking at the future because of many changes that occurred along the line, it was clear that Anna only guessed most of them.

"I see…" Noel took a deep breath. "Well, I'm planning to rebuild my family, so becoming a noble is a part of my plan. But if I become one, she might have to become an Arbiter if she wants to stay equal to me…"

Noel smirked. He knew what he had to do in the next one and a half years. Although the time was a bit too tight, he should be able to do it.