
"We will split up." Laufey had to make a hard decision. If he chose incorrectly, they would suffer a huge loss. Although it was true that the Demon Relief Squad would have a hard time killing even a single person in their group, it would be a different case if Dimitri had made his move personally.

At the same time, he couldn't waste too much time because the other party would be even further. Since the path had split, if they had gone for too long, it would be impossible to find out about the other party's condition if they were to be attacked.

"Hailfa, Gargan, Fil. You three are to go left and head to Hansville City. If there is no ambush within twelve hours, you are to go back and head in our direction. If there is an ambush, you are to retreat as long as the enemy is a Spirit Grandmaster. Do whatever it takes to make me notice and survive." Laufey gave his order with a strict tone.