
When Dimitri decided to show his appearance and tell him about his real identity, Noel couldn't help but ask, "Dimitri. You are the best assassin in the Demon Banner Army, right? How could you fail to assassinate me? Although it's true that my father is shrewd, you can't outsmart an absolute power, no?"

Dimitri thought for a moment and said, "It's actually pretty simple once you grasp it. First of all, you have to be an expert in assassination to be able to counter an assassination attempt."

"Huh? But my father is a merchant…"

"I mean, a textbook assassination." Dimitri made a weird smile. "Your father might be a merchant, but he has a lot of people helping him, including an assassin. Instead of leaving everything to the guards, he is trying to learn all kinds of knowledge to counter it."

"So, I'm going to teach you the six basic assassination attempts. They are Manual, Accidents, Drugs, Sharp Weapons, Blunt Weapons, and lastly, Explosions."