
As soon as they spotted the carriage, Fil immediately raised his hand, shooting out a white-colored ball. The ball burst open, scattering the white particles in the air.

This was the signal that the Demon Relief Squad had left the city.

Those in the opposite direction would immediately loop around the city to regroup with the rest of the group before ambushing them.

Laufey, Gargan, and Fil also rushed to the north. It seemed that they were quite lucky, considering the serpent, the fastest among them, was in the south. This way, they could regroup far faster than any other city gate.

Laufey saw two carriages floating. There were no horses, only carriages. However, he could see a figure on top of the carriage.

When he became close enough, he recognized the person. After all, the only one who could bring the carriages like this was Jonathan.