
"For now, you should sit down and try to think about it," said Damian while observing Noel's expression. It seemed that Noel had chosen something to master. However, he had to know whether that ability was promising or not. After all, if he chose an ability that was too hard to master, the process would take longer.

'There are a lot of people who are taking on a challenge by mastering a difficult ability to show people that they are talented in the Greenwood Kingdom. However, that's just an idiotic way of thinking. Most of them are hit by a huge wall that causes them to fall into despair. So, I hope that you are smart in this process as well.' Damian sighed. He couldn't let his guard drop until he could see some progress in Noel's ability.

Meanwhile, Noel followed his instruction. He sat in a lotus position. This was the most effective post when he was meditating. It helped him a lot while thinking about something.