
Since the village was bad news, the group obviously had to remain in the city and group up with the rest.

"So, this is Wedell…" Noel looked around the town. It was bustling with people and he didn't find anything that made him sour. There were still some people who didn't even have a basic need, but their number was certainly far lower than all the cities he had seen.

He thought this city was better than he originally thought. Since this was a covert mission, there was a chance that the enemy was hiding some spies inside the town. So, all four groups had to stay in different inns.

The Demon Relief Squad was placed in the Go Goat Inn. It wasn't the best inn in the city, but they weren't that bad either. So, there was no complaint from the members of the squad.

They gathered in one room to discuss what they had to do.