
More than ten people came out of their hiding, trying to attack them. They all gathered their Spiritual Energy in their weapons and moved toward the Demon Hunting Squad, trying to eliminate them.

Captain Igor's eyes flashed as he stepped forward. Despite having a big body, he swiftly moved to the right side while punching the air.

He punched the air so hard that he created an air pressure that was strong enough to blow two of the attackers away.

After that, he used his big hands to grab two heads, crushing their skulls with his bare hands.

Even Noel couldn't help but gasp, witnessing the monstrous strength of the Demon Hunting Squad's captain.

'Their strength might not be comparable to his, but they are still Spirit Wielders. One of them is even a Spirit Master. Yet, they can't do anything to him. No, more like Captain Igor handles them like trash.' Noel thought while his body shuddered.