Handling the Problem

"What? Our force was defeated? What was the casualty?" Oscar slammed the table while shouting in anger.

Milfa remained calm, but her expression was dark. She was also disturbed by the news she reported to Oscar.

Milfa took a deep breath before explaining the situation. "Captain Igor has lost his entire right arm. Captain Faust was covered in injuries, and right now, he is in a coma. We don't know when he will wake up. Vice Captain Eizen has passed away, while Vice Captain Paul's condition is similar to Captain Faust's. It seems that he is protected by the others, so he should wake up in a few days."

Oscar gritted his teeth. This was the first time they had received this level of casualty. If he didn't contain himself, his Spiritual Energy would have cracked the entire room and destroyed the windows. He asked, "What happened that day?"