
"There are unknown facilities ahead?" Damian stopped while dropping to the ground as if trying to hide himself.

Even Dimitri hid behind a tree before getting absorbed by the shadow.

Anna grabbed Noel's head and pushed him down, causing him to fall to his knees.

They were taking cover behind a boulder while peeping at the mysterious facilities.

Last but not least, Nicole. She was the scout, so this might be a hard task for her.

She examined everything and said, "There is a camping site in front of us. It has been abandoned, but I'm sure there will be a lot of demons waiting for us there. As for the tall building at the foot of the mountain, it seems to be what they call a 'Hotel.'

"The tall inn that the previous civilization created. There might be things to find from there, but with how it's connected to the camping sites, I'm afraid that there will be a lot of demons hiding there as well."