
"Once this journey is over, I want to tell you about important information. I'm sure that with your brain, you can take advantage of this information better than me."

Noel raised his eyebrows, not expecting Anna to do all this. He asked, "Why did you choose to do this? I mean, you looked like you were planning to keep it a secret previously."

Anna smiled, raising her finger. "To be honest, I would like to keep it a secret for a bit longer. However, the more I try to change the situation, the more information that becomes irrelevant. That's why I don't know what I should do with this. In fact, I believe that you should be the one who has all this information, not me."

"Is that so?" Noel thought for a moment. "To be honest, learning all this means a lot to me. However, I'm not sure how this is beneficial to you. It feels like I'm going to owe you a lot because of this."