
'Why?' That question kept flashing in her head. On the one hand, she felt like Noel had a grander scheme. On the other hand, she had been with Noel for a long time and didn't sense anything like it.

She had thought about telling him all the information about reincarnation, but she somehow became hesitant after listening to Old Ru.

Still, she had prepared the 'alternate world' as a reason to avoid the suspicion. For the time being, she could use this as an excuse.

"Well, I've told you everything. The rest will be up to you and him." Old Ru smiled while waving his hand.

Their bodies felt like they were moving backward. Her vision was blurry and her balance was tipped over.

Eventually, they returned to the room in the position before Old Ru snapped his fingers.

"Have a good rest." Old Ru smiled and immediately left as though nothing happened.