
The next day.

Noel and Anna stood on the field. They were demonstrating the result of their training.

"Good." Old Ru nodded, satisfied. "To think you would be able to do it within such a short period, even I'm impressed. Still, it's too far from the usable level. So, for the next training…"

Old Ru pointed at Noel. "Now that you have managed to control your Spiritual Energy all around your body, concentrating it in one spot should be possible, right?"

"Yes." Noel nodded.

"Then, try to gather the Spiritual Energy in your hand."

Noel raised his hand and enveloped it with a thin layer of Spiritual Energy.

"Raise the output."

Noel poured more and more, inflating the layer and making it look like a glove.

"That's the level. Your task today is to inflate the layer until that level. But while doing so, you are going to touch her." Old Ru stated while pointing at Anna.

"Touch her?" Noel looked at him with a disgusted face.