Another Wave

"That side!" One of them pointed at the left.

All of a sudden, a huge sting pierced through another human, completely skewering his whole body.

Seeing this, a few Spirit Practitioners kicked up the sand with a burst of energy to expose the scorpion. After that, two of them charged in and slashed the scorpion's head and body, ultimately killing it.

Noel kept watching them. Although he didn't like this method since they were sacrificing normal and innocent people, he acknowledged this method as one of the best they could do in order to lure out the demons.

Still, Noel's ideology had been ingrained since young.

As soon as he sensed a demon approaching a person not far from him, Noel hurriedly moved to the side and grabbed the targeted person.

"What?!" The person was confused because Noel dragged him all of a sudden. He wanted to get angry because it hurt quite a bit, but a giant pedipalp soon emerged from the sand in his original location.