Bottom Floor

Noel continued to the next floor.

He found something slightly different on this floor. Instead of all the tubes with demon corpses, he actually found a lot of big machines. He didn't understand their function.

Next to the door were two big machines: one was a big cylinder-shaped machine, and the other was a cube. There were a few more complicated machines scattered in the room. However, they did have one thing in common. All of them were not active.

Considering this facility was a thousand years old buildings, there was no way the energy source could still provide them.

There was one more thing that piqued his interest.

"It's getting cold here." Noel measured the temperature with his bare skin. If not for the fact that he had both ice and fire spirits, he would have trouble adjusting to it.

He could only think of one possible reason. "It seems that I'm about to reach the bottom floor. I wonder what will await me."