
"Master. Are you alright with that condition? They are trying to squeeze us dry." Dimitri asked while looking at the back as if staring at the lingering Ramuer and Legolaz figures.

"It's fine." Noel nodded.

"But even if we get their cooperation, we haven't got their protection, right? It doesn't change the fact that we're surrounded by the Supreme Devil Organization." Dimitri recalled the information from the past and continued, "If my prediction is correct, that old hag is planning to infiltrate this place soon. She is not the type that will wait for us passively."

"That's why speed is the essence here. How long do you think we have left?"

Dimitri briefly calculated. "Three hours at worst."

"That's enough." Noel immediately brought a few papers with him and wrote down all he wanted to say.

Dimitri asked, "Are you going to send the message to them?"