
A middle-aged man was hidden between two houses as he attached a small scroll to a bird's foot before releasing the bird into the sky.

"They should know about this big news right away!" The guy muttered while looking at the bird.

Unbeknownst to him, his shadow began to move. A few tentacles suddenly emerged and restrained his mouth, hands, and feet.


The guy panicked, not knowing what was happening. However, he couldn't do anything as his body began to sink into the shadows.

When he submerged completely, it would be the last time that man was ever seen again.

Next to him was none other than Dimitri.

Noel must have predicted that there would be spies in their territory. No matter how careful he was, it was impossible to completely check all their background. So, Noel ordered him to take care of the rest, which meant the spies.