Fighting Together Again

"So, what's going on with this town? Is there a problem that will require us to visit?" Anna asked. 

"Yeah. The city has three major problems right now. First of all, before the building of our city, it was the only fort that withstood the incoming attacks from the demons." Noel explained.

"Their walls are destroyed and the buildings are still in repair, something like that?"

"I don't know the extent of the damage, but it will definitely need our attention. In the end, this city will change its role to become the hub that connects the main city with the rest of the kingdom after all."

"Fair enough." Anna nodded. "How about the second problem?"

"Food and water supplies. According to the information, the city has been selling demon crystals in exchange for supplies. The food can still be taken from the demon meats, but they don't have any farmland due to the continuous onslaught."