
"Noel. I'm not sure if I should say this or not, but in the previous life, I have never heard anything about you utilizing the water with a ship or something."

"Hmm?" Noel thought for a moment. "Well, I'm not very sure about it. There might be a difference in details that you didn't notice like the connection, the speed, and the value of the runes. Just like how you're the one coming up with the idea of having lamps with runes, I might have a different idea that ends up causing it to be unable to be completed or something."

"Fair enough." Anna nodded. She remembered the explanation about time from the Thunder Berserker Spirit. All those variables were the ones shaping the future.

"Either way, I want you to focus on the future trip. Injury is not allowed." Noel smirked. "If you're injured, I'm going to punish you or something."