Spiritual Energicity?

"Dimitri!" Howard stormed inside Dimitri's room.

"Again? Why won't anyone give me a break and just let me finish my work?" Dimitri sighed.

"I just want to say that the lord has returned." Howard pointed at the back as if he were wondering if he wanted to go together.

Dimitri was shameless enough to turn into a shadow that instantly disappeared from the room. Even Howard was speechless that Dimitri escaped right after that complaint. "Is he serious?" 

Outside, Noel and the others had finally reached the city. Instead of cheering for Noel, they were worried when they saw Noel was covered with bandages. Even Anna had a lot of injuries on her body, showing that they had a rough time when they left. 

Of course, Khalid had arrived in this city a few days prior, telling all the pillars about Noel's current condition.

"My lord. What happened to you?!" Charlotte looked worried, even though she was just acting to make it more dramatic.