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The sound of the door opening echoed inside the room as Marquis Benedict turned his head around to confirm the identity of the person. As soon as he saw a black-haired man entering the room, he hurriedly stood up and placed his hand on his chest. "Marquis Benedict from the Zaecuria Kingdom. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"I apologize for making you wait even though I know that you have a long journey to reach this place." Noel smiled while walking to Marquis Benedict. After shaking hands, both of them sat down. 

"Please don't worry about it. Me and my soldiers have gotten some rest thanks to it." Marquis Benedict shook his head.

"So, may I know the reason for your visit this time, Marquis Benedict?" Noel asked.

"I am here to congratulate you for becoming a noble, O' Master of Runes, Earl Noel Ardagan." Benedict paused for a moment before listing the gifts. "It's not much, but I've brought a lot of jewels, gold, treasures, and Demon Crystals."