Who Are You?

Noel and Anna stood in front of each other. Now that the mansion had been built, they could use the backyard to have a little spar.

"Let's see whether your skill has gotten rusty or not." Noel smiled while raising his stance. 

"I should be the one saying that. You have been buried by all those works after all." Anna harrumphed. 

"The only way to prove that is by fighting. Are you ready?" Noel pointed his sword at Anna.

"Of course. I'm just waiting for you."

"What a provocation!"

Both of them smiled as Noel began to count. 




They said the last count together as their bodies began to move. "0!" 

The moment they reached each other, Noel opened the fight with a slash from the bottom left going all the way to her shoulder in the opposite direction. Anna maintained her posture and struck Noel's sword in the middle.


The clicking sound was the mark of the start of their battle.