
"Haaa… Ha…" Noel's right hand was holding his head as a buzzing sound kept ringing in his head. He had just absorbed a lot of information in one go. "Ardagan. How is progress?"

[Mission: Shop Upgrade (Complete)]

[Description: Spend 1,000 HP in the shop]

[Reward: Shop Upgrade]


1 Skill Point (2 HP)

Water Bottle (1 HP)

Water Gallon (2 HP)

Water Tank (3 HP)

Random Rune Scroll (30 HP)

Random Upgrade Scroll (30 HP)

Random Super Rune Scroll (100 HP)

Random Super Upgrade Scroll (100 HP)

Random Medal Scroll (5000 HP)

"Random Medal Scroll?" Noel widened his eyes in shock. He never thought that he could earn a medal through this method. Noel looked down. 

"How about the progress of my other missions like the Everchanging Emotion Sword Style and Rune Master?" Noel remembered these two missions that he still failed to complete.