All Out War (1)


The Superior Demons around Qiel alerted her about what happened at their target. 

Qiel couldn't help but move to the side, looking at Milfa from a very long distance. 

All the demons that tried to get closer ended up getting killed. They didn't even have the time to fight back. Even the Superior Demons had to retreat. They couldn't stop her attack and had a hard time breaking the barrier. Hence, it wouldn't be wise to continue attacking unless they were just trying to die. 

Although it was a bit hard to see it from her position, Qiel could see how Milfa overwhelmed her opponents. 

"What? How can he do that? Isn't Milfa supposed to be only a weak captain?" Qiel frowned. 

Milfa hadn't gone to the battlefield many times. 

The only time she encountered the Supreme Devil Organization was when she tried to help Noel when he was attacked by Laufey.