New Type of Transport

"I think this is the best we can do for now." Roel spread his arms, showing off the creation he had painstakingly created in the last two weeks.

There were a total of nine long trailers, divided into three types.

Roel made two trailers for both the passenger type and the pulling type. The remaining five were of the transporter type. 

"Mhmm… They are quite good." Anna looked at them with a serious expression. "Still, shouldn't we make them out of steel or something to make them sturdier? For the passenger type, having a comfortable inner part is good, but the rest doesn't really matter, right?"

"That's actually the problem." Roel scratched the back of his head. "We don't have enough iron right now. What we have the most right now is money and wood, but there's not enough iron. Even most of our weapons are made of wood, which is easy to break."