
A roaring engine startled Noel as the train swiftly passed him. The speed wasn't as fast as the cars he saw earlier, but the sheer size of this train was beyond his imagination.

"This is…" Noel gasped. "So, this is a train!" 

"That's right. There are a few types." Milinda nodded.

"The one at the front is the pulling type. There is also a passenger type, but the one that passed us earlier was the cargo type. Depending on the combination, we can change the consumption or optimize the benefits." 

"That's right. You have made a plan for it in your city."

"Yes. In that case, it's better to name it Train. But…" Noel looked down, his eyes locked on to the rail. "This time the train is crossing this thin steel bar. The wheels are also made of steel, which allows them to withstand more weight compared to wood. But we have the rune right now, so we can reduce the burden.