
The soldiers were gathering on the top of the wall, watching out for visitors or demons. 

"We have gotten a lot of visitors in the past few weeks…" 

"Yeah. But the crown prince was only here for less than a day."

"Shhh… Don't say anything about the crown prince. It was said that the crown prince visited the Moon Temple for some reason and that was the last thing he visited before leaving."

"Either way, our city sure has become popular. The walls have been repaired and the living condition has improved drastically."

"That's right. Even my wife has been smiling continuously in the past few weeks. I never thought that when the young Earl took over this area, all this dream could happen."

"That's true. I thought I would be rotting here until I died fighting against the demon in the near future."

"I'm glad that the Earl is a good lord. He makes me want to serve him even more."