
"Ah. That's an amazing experience," said Anna while leaving the airship. 

Felicia remained silent after witnessing the true power of the Ardagan family. She had joined the family for quite a while and thought she had seen everything that the Ardagan family could offer. But from time to time, she would be shocked by a new invention that could literally alter how they conducted warfare. 

Noel turned to Zel. "I think we've got most of the data."

"Yes. I will definitely work hard to perfect the airship. My engineering blood is screaming right now." 

Noel smiled and turned to Blacksmith Vine. "Thank you for your hard work. I hope that you can continue to improve the airship."

"Yes, sir."

Last but not least, he turned to Felicia. "I'm planning to expand to the north soon, so we'll be hunting a lot of demons soon. Make sure to put that in mind while training the Rune Magicians."