
"Hehehe. He must be in flames right now." 

"We don't know about it, but this should put him in trouble for the time being." 

"But are we really going to do this? You should know that a lot of nobles have sided with him because of that rune technology."

"We just have to follow the royal family. By pressuring him like this, he is bound to make a rash decision sooner or later. And at that time, the royal family will take the opportunity to seize his rune technology." 

The four nobles were sitting at the round table. They were the four nobles from the royal faction that controlled the northern part of the kingdom.

In fact, Earl Canmond's territory was directly linked to Lounstein. His territory was south of Lounstein, which became the wall that blocked travelers from reaching Lounstein. 

That was why Dimitri had a bit of a hard time gathering people for migrations.