Atracaeca Kingdom

"I've returned, Grand Protector." The prime minister of the Atracaeca Kingdom kneeled on one knee before the Grand Protector and other Great Protectors. 

"Mhmm. I believe you have brought good news for us, am I right?" The Grand Protector asked with a grim expression. 

"Yes, Grand Protector. The connection with the Ardagan family has been established. The condition is actually much more favorable for us than anything we've imagined."

"Is that so? Can you recount everything for all of us here?" The Grand Protector asked. 

"Yes, sir."

Ten days ago. 

The prime minister and Noel were sitting in front of each other.

The prime minister felt pressured. He didn't want to mess up this meeting. At the same time, with his power as a Great Protector, he could see Noel's true strength. No matter what he did, he couldn't defeat Noel.