
Noel slammed open the door, finding two people inside. He recognized Count Lesen, but not the woman. 

After seeing her by using the Affection Medal, he could see her name, which proved her identity. 

Noel didn't even bother with courtesy. If it were his ally, he would have apologized for making them wait. 

But Noel only gave them a cold gaze as if meeting them was an unpleasant time he had to spend. 

"Should I call you brave or hypocritical? You were the one starting this war, but now, you are right before me." Noel looked down upon him.

His daughter only hung her head low as her body shivered. Count Lesen was similar, but there was still some life in his eyes.

He bit his lips and said, "As you said, I have no right to ask for your forgiveness. However, I'm still a lord. Even if I'm a sinner, I still have the obligation to bring closure to this war."