
"So this is our first target," Noel muttered in amazement. He was standing on top of the tree, staring at a giant building in the distance. 

This might be the biggest ancient ruin he has ever seen. It didn't have the depth of the one in the Atracaeca Kingdom, but it was still more than three hundred meters long and two hundred meters wide.

Noel was completely stunned, never thinking that there would be a building of this size. They didn't find it when they first went to Old Ru since they were a bit too far to the east.

That was why Noel felt overwhelmed to see this engineering marvel. 

"What kind of building is this?" Noel asked.

"I'm not sure. But it must be something important. Look at the area around the building." Anna pointed to the side. "The building has an even wider empty space around it. In addition, there are several buildings on the side. While some have been destroyed by both demons and nature, two are still intact."